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Is designing from the inside out the new way to recognise return on investment in new laboratory or technical buildings?

It’s not uncommon for organizations to focus on maximizing return on investment (ROI) when it comes to designing and building new laboratory or technical facilities. In recent years, a growing number of organizations have been turning to a design approach known as “inside-out” design in order to better achieve this goal.

Inside-out method

Inside-out design is a method of building design that prioritizes the functionality and efficiency of a facility’s interior spaces over its exterior appearance. This approach often involves extensive planning and collaboration between architects, engineers, and other key stakeholders in order to create a space that is optimized for the specific needs and activities of the organization.

Utilisation of space

One of the key benefits of inside-out design is that it allows organizations to better utilize the space within their facility. By focusing on the functionality of the interior spaces, designers can create a layout that is efficient and effective, maximizing the use of the available space. This can help organizations to save money on construction costs and improve the overall performance of their facility.

Needs considered

Another advantage of inside-out design is that it can help organizations to create a more comfortable and pleasant working environment for their employees. By focusing on the needs of the people who will be using the space, designers can create a layout that is ergonomic and conducive to productivity. This can help to improve employee morale and productivity, which can ultimately lead to improved financial performance for the organization.

Corporate image

In addition to these practical benefits, inside-out design can also help organizations to project a professional and modern image to their clients and partners. A well-designed facility can be a powerful marketing tool, showcasing the organization’s commitment to excellence and innovation. This can help to attract new clients and partnerships, which can further improve the organization’s financial performance.


Of course, implementing an inside-out design approach is not without its challenges. One of the key challenges is the need for extensive planning and collaboration between different stakeholders. In order to create a truly effective and efficient design, it’s important to bring together a diverse team of experts who can provide insight and input on different aspects of the design process. This can require significant time and resources, but the end result can be a facility that is tailored to the specific needs and goals of the organization.

External aesthetics

Another potential challenge is the need to balance the functional requirements of the facility with the aesthetic considerations of its exterior design. While inside-out design prioritizes the functionality of the interior spaces, it’s still important to create a building that is visually appealing and that fits in with the surrounding environment. Striking this balance can be difficult, but with careful planning and collaboration, it is possible to create a facility that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Overall, inside-out design is an approach that can provide numerous benefits for organizations looking to maximize the return on their investment in new laboratory or technical facilities. By prioritizing the functionality and efficiency of the interior spaces, organizations can create a space that is optimized for their specific needs and activities. This can lead to improved performance, increased productivity, and better financial performance, making it a valuable consideration for any organization looking to invest in a new facility.