
Lean, Green & Connected

WoW Futurelab Summit


  • Introduction to LEAN principles and their application in different industries.
  • What’s your economic number and how can lean principles in your laboratory move the needle?
  • Strategies to enhance net profits, operational efficiencies and staff retention through lean principles
  • Real-time case studies and success stories of lean implementation
  • How can we implement sustainable aspects into lab facilities
  • Introduction to green lab projects and their benefits
  • Best practices and success stories from around the world in implementing green lab projects

Impact of Healthcare on Workplaces

WoW Futurelab Summit


  • Host presentations from authorities in many aspects of cutting-edge science on workplace output such as environmental productivity stimulation, personnel wellness, ergonomic design.
  • Provide an overview or recent Case Studies to show the success of this concept.
  • Introduce you to the Methodologies we utilise and how they move the needle of profitability
  • Discuss and provide answers to your immediate questions.
  • Introduce you to key people that can assist you in the process of workplace and environmental futureproofing.


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